
Metabolic Training System

Using the 4 pillars of fitness, the H.I.I.T. Metabolic Training System is a proven science based program, that addresses all the issues lacking at a big box or “run-of-the-mill” personal training gym. All of our programs include weekly progression testing and a heart rate monitored training to gauge intensity. You can track your training results on your smartphone, tablet or computer through the Polar web site.  Book now for an appointment to discuss how we can meet your needs. We can also arrange a body composition analysis and see where you stand.

Call us and take that “first step” to start your journey to improved fitness and better health!

PILLAR #1 Nutrition

This is the most important component that’s lacking in most training programs offered by Personal Fitness Trainers. So prepare to be amazed with your progress! We are here to guide you through this entire journey.

PILLAR #2​ Strength Training

In order to achieve sustainable and effective fat loss, strength training is a required component.  Strength training with proper diet and cardio burns fat more than cardio and diet alone. 

When it comes to fat loss, most people embark on a program of cardio and dieting. Strength Training is just an afterthought. Strength Training, however, can burn just as much, if not more fat, than cardio.*

Why is it that people focus on cardio as they’re primary fat burner? It certainly is a great form of training, but somewhat incomplete. Cardiovascular exercise does “shrink you down”, but it does just that: it “shrinks down” both your fat and muscle. You end up skinny and soft, rather than firm and fit.  

Muscle contraction is a primary engine of fat loss: The more muscle mass you have to contract, the more calories you can burn. In addition, strength training workouts that take large muscle groups to a state of burn temporary fatigue will increase the release of hormones that aid in reducing body fat.

If you want to lose fat without losing your muscle, the best way to do that is Strength Training. In addition to keeping the muscle you have, you will even gain more lean muscle mass (it’s a good thing).

This extra muscle keeps your metabolism humming, even as restricted food intake (caloric restriction) threatens to slow it down.

This H.I.I.T. Metabolic System, of High Intensity Intervals that alternate between Strength Exercises and Cardio, works at full throttle to make you look and feel great and maybe even better than you have you entire life.

PILLAR #3 Cardiovascular Training

​The H.I.I.T. Metabolic system is a heart rate monitored training system that allows your trainer to guide you during your hour-long training session. Our goal is to eventually and gradually train your cardiovascular system to push into an anaerobic state lasting between 12 and 22 minutes per workout and even more if you attend one of our High Intensity Interval Training Tabata style boot camp classes or The FITNESS EXPRESS Circuit program.  All our workouts are done with your heart rate on our big monitor allowing your coach to adjust your intensity and active recovery periods. Our H.I.I.T. Metabolic system uses the science of EPOC (Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption) to make sure you burn up to 300 calories for up to 36 hours after your workout. How’s that for a workout bonus?

PILLAR #4 Accoutability

​Your coach at Trans4m Fitness is an integral part of your success. First of all…the “appointment” puts your workout in a position of priority in your day. All participants can receive a weekly test on our body composition analysis scale; follow up with our trainers and goal (GPS) monitoring. We have your success in mind and will do everything we can to help you achieve your goals.