Fitness Fuel

The things we consume are the “stuff” that fuels our body. Nothing is more personal or more contested than common ground about what is the best approach. In the years that I have been working in the fitness industry, there has been hundreds of “Break Through” diets and more “Earth Shattering” supplements to hit the market, than I could remember. These often Pseudoscience based claims that sound too good to be true, almost always are.

So what to believe?

Basically; Scientifically analysed, unbiased research based information, presented by Nutritional professionals (in Food Science), like the Dentitions of Canada (United States) and the Federal Government (Canada, United States). Programs such as Canada’s Food Guide’s and My Plate in the United States provide factual information and guidance on the right way to help you to make healthy food choices.

You need to eat a variety of foods (pick lot’s of colours), and unless you have  “special dietary needs. Following the Food Guide ensures a well rounded healthy diet.

Here’s the catch….”Quantity”.  If you’re metabolism requires 1500 Calories per day and you consume 2500 Calories, the extra Calories are going to be stored as body fat. Over time the extra body fat builds up and can lead to health concerns.

When it comes to exercise “ You can’t run from a poor diet”. A great “Boot-Camp workout” that burns 500 Calories doesn’t insulate you from poor dietary habits. Fad & Supplement based dietary solutions are often short lived, ineffective and sometimes no use at all. Stick to real foods as your base of nutrition and eat what you need. If you drift away from a healthful diet (Cheat), don’t stress, just get back on track.

Peter Churchill Fitness & Wellness Expert